Friday, March 5, 2010

It's my journal and I'll write what I want to...

Sometimes I just need an outlet you know?  Somewhere I can just write what I want and not worry about how it relates to my work or getting published  or offending some sensitive reader that probably shouldn't be perusing blogs in the first place if they are that "delicate."  I won't put any keywords on it and then nobody can google it right?  Right...

So today I'm alright.  Can't really think of anything in my life that's got me wanting to step in front of a speeding semi or anything.  I'd be better if I could drink REAL coffee instead of this decaf crap but unfortunatley its a blood pressure thing.  Who ever tells you that decaf coffee tastes as good as regular is fulla sump'n and it ain't coffee beans! 

I probably need to clean the house today instead of working in front of this idiot box all day but that's just my OCD kicking in.  The house is spotless...I just feel weirded out because I haven't dusted, swept, mopped, scoured the sinks and toilets, polished the mirrors and all the faucet handles, vaccumed, swept the porch, bleached the laundry sink and the garbage cans or swept out the garage and lanai in oh like.. 2 days!  I can FEEL the dustbunnies gathering at the door...waiting with an army of vampire cockroaches to come storming in the minute I go out to get the mail.  Honestly...obsessions are not all they are cracked up to be. 

Speaking of obsessions...I see that nitwit Sarah Palin is campaigning for a reality show now?? Please God tell me that is only a rumor!  What is it with people and this inane broad?  Am I the only one in this entire country who thinks she couldn't pass a 4th grade civics test?  In what year was the war of 1812 Sarah?  Who won the civil war?  What is the capitol of Alaska?  Ok...maybe she'd know that one or at least know how to google it. 

I realize that I'm a seriously judgemental person with strong opinions (that nobody asked for) and an incredibly inadequate brain to lips (or fingers) filter.  So I shouldn't be surprised when people say I'm overly harsh or just downright rude because sometimes I am.  But honestly, I could gag listening to people gush over Sarah Palin.  Going Rogue??  How about Going Publicity Hound?  People (my husband included) say she's a lot smarter than she comes across.  Really?  I hope so because she comes across as just this side of stupid.  People call McCain a rogue too but I'm thinking they are confusing that word with LOOSE CANNON in his case.  As much as I truely dislike the current administration...I couldn't see those two running a laundrymat, let alone the country.  Their official portrait would have had to be one of those grainy faux antique jobs with the two of them in a claw foot bathtub...him holding a double barrel winchester and her with a little 22 calibur stuck into the garter belt that's holding up her ratty fishnet stockings.  I'm crossing myself right now and Im not even a Catholic.  Just the idea of it!  Butch Cassidy and the SumDUNCE Kid holding a press conference in the White House rose garden.  Jeez...  

Anyway, surely we've suffered enough following the ridiculous Gosselin Chronicals and the Adventures of Octomom (even though that breed sow didn't get a reality show thankfully..but she sure got enough press).  And I really don't care if Brad and Angelina adopt the entire nation of Uganda (in between their "abusive fights" and "brad storming out").  Oh and how about John Meyer telling the world that Jessica Simpleton and Jennifer ImsoperkyImakemyownselfsick Anniston are "sexual cocaine" to him.  DUH...this guy is nothing but your run of the mill horndog who just happens to be in a position to hone his craft on low IQ starlets and high profile actresses who play the same neurotic character in every movie they make.  Is it just me or is that guy ugly?  Maybe he serenades them with his breathy voice and his "sensitive, poetic lyrics".  I REALLY need a slug of pepto bismol right now...LOL

My husband watches Glen Beck like his life depends on it every single night.  I hear it with one ear because I try my best to tune it out.  I would not debate that Glen Beck (like Limbaugh) is an intelligent guy.  They both are me, they are windbags.  Worse than that...they are self-important, egomaniacal windbags.  I guess if I were FORCED to choose one over the other, I'd listen to Beck.  Limbaugh works my LAST GOOD NERVE with his constant agrandizing, self-promoting, pathological vanity.  Before you ask...NO, I am not a liberal nor a democrat.  I just don't like pompous asses.  Oh, and I better clarify that I am NOT a progressive either.  Beck is obsessed...he's a man on a mission to hunt down progressives and flush them out.  Maybe he'll lead the Progressive Inquisition and it will end with the public stoning of the accused?  The Salem Witch Trials revisited. 

Basically it doesn't matter what political persuasion you are anymore...we are circling the drain anyway.  I'm not a pessimist...just an observer of the obvious.  I can't lock myself in my house and hide from the packs of rabid, salivating progressives that roam the streets looking for prey.  I can't pull the covers over my head and hope the mother ship comes back for Barney Frank before he self-inseminates and muliplies.  Much as I'd like to, I can't close my eyes and wish Nancy Pelosi would click her heels 3 times and return to Oz.  Sadly, I can't wiggle my nose and turn Obama into a real President and world leader instead of a celebrity wannabe who can't put three words together without stuttering and needs to come up with something to say other than YES WE CAN.  Yes you can what?  You obviously can't and that is abundantly clear.  How about we get all the billions of taxpayer dollers back for your bailouts and foreign aid and YOU keep the CHANGE?? 

They say Greece's economy is about to topple like a house of cards.  California is our Greece.  It may actually be closer to collapse than Greece.  That one state will be enough ...the rest will fall like dominos.  The absolutely stupid part of that is...they are sitting on billions of dollars in capped oil wells.  I guess maybe they are waiting for Obama to wave his majic wand make it all better. 

We have scratch that...PAWNED the Social Security Trust Fund to China.  It's belly up...nothing but IOU's from the Federal Government who has no way to pay it back.  China is more than happy to float them loan after loan after loan.  But the Chinese governement is not a Savings and Loan's a big, fat, silk suit wearing, slicked back hair, cigar-smoking, nuclear weapon toting LOAN SHARK and it smells blood in the water.  Unlike Jaws, Richard Dryfuss is not going to be there to kill it either.  Nope...we'll just have our fearless leader stutter through a lecture about CHANGE and see if the Chinese governement is game!  If that doesn't work, he can blow smoke up their asses from those two packs a day he's puffing.

I'll rant somemore tomorrow.  My OCD is acting up and I need to scrub something!


Anonymous said...

Bravo, Jill!! Don't you just love watching our fearless leader give a speach?!?! It's like watching a game of ping pong! Really, do you need teleprompters to give a speach to grade school children?! I'm going to go scrub something too!! lol!!

hebdenjoy said...

We hear alot about Greece being on the verge of collapse here (in the UK) but I didn't realise California was on the brink.....

Jillyann said...

Thanks for the comments! It's all reather sickening isn't it? Karen, you are right...I get ill when I hear people referring to him as a great speaker. The man can't recite twinkle twinkle little star without a teleprompter. LOL...The cleaning thing is incurable you know.